As a home organizer, does your client Consultation process SUCK? Are you pulling your hair out, frustrated that you aren’t getting booked even after driving around town and listening to prospective clients give you their whole life story? Sick of being told “thanks for you time but I’ll just do it myself”? Over getting ghosted every week by the clients you thought you could serve? Alright, well if ANY of that sounds like you- then I want to let you in on a little secret. You’re doing it all wrong! Grab your seat in the FREE Consultations 101 Masterclass!
Over the years of running Pro Organizer Bootcamp, one of the biggest things I get asked about is CONSULTATIONS! So I created a FREE Masterclass all about the THREE mistakes you're making in your consultation process.
This 25 minute session is going to make you THINK. It's going to challenge you to take a look at your current issues with booking clients. And it's going to give you my top 3 tweaks to adjust your sales process and get back on track.
Before you even close this tab, head to to get your seat in the webinar!
🔥 I’m covering my top 3 processes to convert leads into booked and PAID clients. If you’re ready to turn your side hustle into a full time endeavor, or if you want to stop going through that “feast and famine” cycle of having tons of #homeorganizing clients some weeks and zero clients for weeks after that…. then THIS is the masterclass for you. Again just head to to grab your seat in the training!
Oh and the exclusive Consultations 101 Masterclass is for established home organizers who have already worked their first few PAID jobs, have an online presence in some way (whether through a website, social media, or service pro marketplaces), AND for women who know that they’re meant to use their natural organizing gifts and talents to run a PROFITABLE BUSINESS as a pro organizer!
I’ll give you a hint on what could be going wrong- it has to do with your customer's journey, potential DEAD ZONES in your business, and how you can stop dealing with a messy back end process.
Hope to see you in class! Head to and I’ll see you there.